Corona in Damascus hospitals … waiting until death

فريق التحرير8 أغسطس 2020آخر تحديث :

Razan Karam – Horrya PRESS

With the spread of the Corona pandemic around the world, governments rushed to equip their health sector to deal with the “peak” stage ( which is the most dangerous stage ) in order to reduce human losses to the minimum

Italy, despite the health tragedy it faced because of this “peak”, tried hard to alleviate its consequences by various means …. as it issued quarantine and isolation decisions that include everyone .Meanwhile, the Syrian regime was denying the existence of this virus in Syria , then it admitted that there are very few cases , less than ten infections per day, claiming that appropriate health measures have been taken even though they are superficial and not serious

To fail as usual in facing , the peak of the pandemic , and issuing statements about the number of HIV infections which are hundred times less than the reality.

Those who reside in Syria, especially Damascus, know well the tragic health situation that Damascus is experiencing today. Injuries exceed hundreds, and burying cars roam around in all the sad neighborhoods of Damascus. Hospitals are full and unable to receive even critical cases.

(R.L) told us about the death of her father with Corona virus, which was in Damascus, last Friday, as her father suffered from chronic diseases, such as heart and diabetes , At the beginning of infection with the Corona virus, the symptoms were limited to general weakness and an increase in his body temperature, and suddenly the severity of the disease increased, so they decided to take him to the “Al-Assad University Hospital” to measure the level of oxygen in his blood, but the waiting list was greater than their expectations, this waiting made her father’s health become Worse, he can no longer even walk on his feet,After communicating with a number of acquaintances and friends, they were able to check the blood oxygen level, which was in a severe decline, and then they made a CT scan of the chest area … and blood analyzes, to discover that he was infected with Corona virus .

In Damascus, the analysis of corona by swab from the nose and throat is not available as in the rest of the world, so this was the only available method for diagnosing the disease.

After discovering the infection with the virus, the “Al-Assad University Hospital” refused to receive and treat him , because there were no longer available rooms or equipment because of the numbers that exceeded their capacity, so They had the only option which is buying oxygen cylinders and contracting with a nurse and a doctor thus they turned their house into a clinic for her father, and due to the almost permanent power outage, the oxygen cylinders cost only five million pounds , her father’s health was getting worse and the oxygen cylinders were no longer sufficient, they tried desperately to transfer her father to the intensive care unit, but they were not received again, Then they tried to go to “Andalus Hospital” and also they were not received, but after obtaining permission from a person in contact with some officials in the hospital, they were able to enter him, but the waiting time was greater than her father’s ability to endure, which led to his death.

These sad events are not much different from what (A.W.) told us, who lost his mother after being infected with Corona virus in Damascus, last Monday. But the difference between them is that (A.W) does not have acquaintances and friends among hospital officials, which caused the death of his mother in the waiting corridor inside the “Al-Assad University Hospital”

Those stories and and others were a lesson for many people inside Damascus, so some people who was infected died in a state of complete surrender and helplessness, this is what happened with (N.D), who lost her father in front of her eyes on Sunday in Damascus, and is in a state of complete disability to do anything that saves him.

(ND) says: My father was suffering from cancer and was cured of it, but as it is known that people with this disease have the lowest immunity, we were trying to prevent him from going out to work, but this is very difficult, as my father owns a small shop In Al-Hamidiyeh market, and if the shop is closed for an unknown period, this will affect our limited income and we will remain without any financial resources.

And we will not be able to pay the rent for our house after we lost all our possessions in the Douma area, which was completely destroyed.

His only option was to wear the mask , which is the only preventive measure that he can take, but the nature of his work(which depends on contact with other ) was greater than the protection of the mask and his limited immunity, so the symptoms appeared on him very sharply immediately, When he was taken to the “Al-Mujtahid” hospital, he was not received because there was no place to accommodate the large number of injured people inside Damascus, and they told that the

only solution is to buy oxygen cylinders and contract with a private doctor , which exceeds our financial ability by many times. I tried very hard to collect some money to secure some oxygen cylinders, but my father was exhausted by cancer and the chemical doses and could not resist for more than two days, to lose him in front of my eyes while I was completely helpless.

In Damascus, there are many tragic stories caused by the Corona pandemic, and the Syrian regime is trying to hide them, but rather it is exacerbating the situation by opening exhibitions and gathering squares, as if what is happening is presented to it on a plate of gold. In all countries of the world, the climax is fought to reduce it and bring it down to its lowest levels with the least human and material losses, except in Damascus … the peak is heading to the point of death.

Translated by: Rania Hajqasem


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