Syrian Infant Dies due to Cold Weather in Camp, North of Idlib

فريق التحرير17 ديسمبر 2018آخر تحديث :
Al-Nasr camp, located in the town of Qah, north of Idlib, near the Turkish border- Photo by: Alaa Fatrawi- Horrya Press©

Alaa Fatrawi- Idlib- Horrya Press:

An infant died at Al-Nasr Camp, north of Idlib, on Sunday, due to severe cold and lack of heating fuel, as well as the bad financial status of her family.

The father of the seven-months-old Mariam, told Horrya Press that he was not able to secure sources of warmth for his family during winter, which led to her death from cold and malnutrition.

Al-Hussein Family, which consists of a father, two wives and six children, fled the Eastern Hama countryside, because of the shelling of the warplanes of Assad Regime and Russia, to settle in Idlib camps near the Turkish border.

According to Abu Alaa, director of the camp, ” Mariam’s family suffers from a very difficult living situation, like all the families in the camp”, noting that this is the first time an infant dies from cold in the camp.

Moreover, he acknowledged that cold is more severe this year, in terms of low temperatures and rainfall. This has exacerbated the conditions of displaced people in the camp, where basic elements of life do not exist.

Over the past few days, rains have caused floods and swamps in most of the camps in Idlib; which led to the uprooting of a number of tents, while human organizations are totally unable to find a suitable solution to alleviate suffering of the displaced.

الطفلة “مريم” توفت بسبب تمكن البرد من جسدها – عدسة: حرية برس©

* Translated by: Sura Alloush


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