Amjad Al-Sari – Horrya Press:
The ongoing negotiations between the Islamic State “ISIS” and the Syrian Democratic Forces “QSD”, on evacuating the civilians from the ISIS-controlled areas to the east of Euphrates River, have been intermittent and stalled, according to Horrya Press’s sources.
The sources stated that “The negotiations over the past two days have not led to any result, as both teams adhered to their terms, and neither of them accepted the terms of the other”.
The “Furat Post” national network mentioned that “ISIS suggested opening the way between Al-Bahra town and Hajeen city in order to evacuate the civilians from its controlled areas, which was rejected by QSD militia that stipulated that civilians must be evacuated through Al-Sha’fe crossing- Al-Allouni, but ISIS rejected its condition in return”.
After the conclusion of the negotiations between the two parties, the International Alliance’s aircraft launched tens of air strikes on Al-Hawwameh’s neighborhood in Hajeen city, at the same time as Artillery and rocket shelling attacked the other neighborhoods in the city, in addition to the air strikes launched by Iraqi aircraft, which attacked civilian houses in the towns of Al-Souse and Al-Baghouz.
The civilians who live in the ISIS-controlled areas suffer from a dual blockade, as they are besieged by ISIS forces on one hand and by QSD Forces from the other hand. Moreover, they are living under conditions that lack the essentials of life, as they do not have the basic goods, especially Wheat that has been out of supply since days, which indicates the occurrence of humanitarian crises among the besieged civilians, if no safe corridors were opened to evacuate them, or at least, to left the blockade over them.
In the past few days, ISIS tried to blackmail the besieged civilians by asking them for huge amounts of money to let them leave its controlled areas through the smuggling roads, which are really dangerous as they are filled with minefields that were laid by ISIS In the areas surrounding its controlled areas.
It is worth mentioning that tens of thousands of civilians are currently living in the last site controlled by ISIS to the east of Euphrates, and facing a very difficult and deteriorating humanitarian conditions due to the ongoing suffocating siege imposed on them, and owing to continued military operations in the area, and the continued sustained heavy shelling by the international Alliance’s aircraft, which caused tens of massacres against civilians resulted in the death of hundreds of victims since the beginning of the battle launched by QSD militia with support from the International Alliance against ISIS in order to expel it from its last vestiges in eastern Syria.
* Translate by: Zainab Samara
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